Sunday, August 19, 2012

Banana Caramel Ice Cream with Chocolate Chunks

I know you are probably thinking we do nothing around here but eat extra creamy cheesy mac n cheese and gobs of ice cream.  Totally not true, I promise.  Soon I will post about the veggies in our raised rock garden in the back yard and fun things you can do with way too much zucchini.  So no worries, we don't need to be rolled room to room like Violet at the Willy Wonka chocolate factory just yet, because here I am again posting another ice cream recipe. We got our 2-quart  ice cream maker on father's day this year and have made a new little batch of ice cream about once a week since then.  We enjoy tiny amounts in our "baby cones" and make it last all week that way.  So many of our recipes have turned out pretty good lately and I want to share them. This latest recipe by far had the most professional, scrumptious taste yet.  I believe it was this exact batch of ice cream where hubby started to ponder us selling it for a profit, so you know it's going to be awesome. It's our first attempt at banana caramel ice cream with chocolate chunks.

Banana caramel ice cream can ONLY be made better with chunks o' chocolate!
If you must know, my absolute favorite thing to put on vanilla ice cream, is chunks of bananas and warm caramel sauce, so this recipe is right up my alley.

bananas and caramel, a match made in heaven

Now how to turn my favorite flavors into a complete ice cream was the trick, but I was ever so willing to try. You will need:  (Printable recipe found here)

2 3/4 cups heavy cream
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1 cup sugar
1 cup smashed bananas (about 3 medium bananas)
1 tsp banana extract
1 tsp caramel extract
1 cup mini chocolate chips or chopped regular chocolate chips
drizzle of caramel syrup (optional)

My three favorite flavors, together... at last.
As always, start by pouring the 1 1/2 cups of whole milk into a large bowl.  Add the 1 cup of sugar and stir with an electric mixer for 1-2 minutes until the sugar has dissolved.  

Add the 2 3/4 cups of heavy cream, the cup of smashed bananas, and the 1 teaspoon of banana extract and 1 teaspoon of caramel extract and stir until mixed together.  Pour into your inner canister in your ice cream maker (that's been chilled in the freezer for 12-24 hours prior) and turn it on for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, it's time to add your "add ins" (wow they were named properly, no?).  Pour in the chocolate chunks and let it mix in for about 5 more minutes.

Swirl baby swirl!
Isn't this the purdiest ice cream you done ever seen?

It's ok if you want to lick your monitor right now.  I won't tell.

After 5 minutes your ice cream will be at soft serve consistency and we like to switch it over to a 2 quart Pyrex bowl to freeze it up to a scoopable state.While it was still soft, we decided to drizzle in some caramel sauce.

Then stirred it around to get a "swirled" effect

Then into the freezer it goes to harden up.  After that, scoop it into your favorite cone or bowl and your have yourself a delectable treat. I believe it was the caramel extract that really put this recipe over the top into flavor town.

Banana caramel ice cream with chocolate chunks is calling your name right now.
 This by golly was the best attempt yet!  The flavor was out of this world delicious.  Thanks for letting me share.  Hey what's your favorite kind of ice cream?  What should we try next?


Anonymous said...

Going to try this....sounds incredible!!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of adding a little peanut butter, but want chunks of it rather than just peanut butter taste....not sure how to do that!!

Jenn said...

My hubby was thinking you could use peanut butter chips? Sounds nummy.

Anonymous said...

Sebastian Joe's in Minneapolis, MN makes a banana/caramel ice cream with chocolate chunks called Pavarotti... it's heavenly! Adding peanut butter is a great idea... yum!

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