Monday, April 02, 2012

Baby Chick Ear Flap Hat

Speaking of baby chicks, I just had to show you one of my latest ear flap hats.  It's so stinkin' adorable I want to run out into a crowd of strangers and find a tiny baby head to put it on so I can see what it looks like with chubby baby cheeks underneath it.  

Once I learned to make ear flap hats six months ago, there was no stopping me.  I made a ton of cute ones in the winter (snowmen, Ruby the red-nosed reindeer, Hello Kitties in many shades, baby bears in pink and blue - then I made some custom ones for some kids I know, including Domo, and even a bacon cheeseburger ear flap hat, which, let me tell you were a big hit from the tweens who received them as gifts), but when spring kicked in high gear around here I knew I wanted to make a little baby chick.  The size here is for a 0-3 month old baby and would make and adorable photo prop as well.

Every day I keep thinking of new animals/ideas to try to make into an ear flap hat. I was thinking of light green frog, a baby blue bird, a blue puppy with floppy ears, maybe a floppy eared rabbit too! So if you think of another clever idea let me know and I'll try to see what I come up with.  I love the challenge.  My sister-in-law even wondered if I could pull off an R2D2 for my nephew.  Now THAT would be a challenge.  If any of you are interested, I can post some of my other ear flap creations in a future post. Thanks so much for letting me share.

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