Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Brought to you by the letter "H"

So, I suppose we have a little Zorro bandit among us. She's tiny, she's blonde, and she loves loves loves the letter H. Don't know quite why this is her favorite letter, it's not in her name, it's not the easiest letter to make, but still she can't seem to stop making it. Every piece of paper she can get her hands on has a letter "H" on it... and it doesn't stop at paper. She has decorated numerous other household objects including a chair, a pantry door, even made an "H" out of left over jelly from her PB&J. Even though I am very careful to put all the crayons high, up and away, and out of reach, one must of slipped under the radar because after being alone for mere seconds she was able to scrawl giant 3-foot high tribute to "H's" all the way up the staircase wall in blue crayon. That's right, that was plural "H's"... as in more than ONE. Matter of fact it was three blue "H's" and then some kind of large "Q" and "V" together. On the one hand I was quite proud, impressed even. Here she is only three, we've been working on our letters for only a little while, but she's making some mighty fine "H's" and with such a boldness to boot (as in the 3-foot height). Then again, it WAS on the wall. Not so good. Thank goodness for the magic clean eraser or we'd be in a lot more trouble than we already are.

Matter of fact, I am typing this very blog on a computer monitor that is now scribbled with letter "H's" in pencil, as she recently discovered they write just as good as crayons on things. Underneath the monitor is some scribbles and also the first four letters of my daughter's name. Again, impressive, it's the first time she's put all the letters in order together by herself. Sometimes I wish I was three again, the whole world my canvas. When I summoned her to ask "who did this"... I got the innocent look and the shrug... "I don't know"... then when I looked at her more quizzically she fessed up. I then have to give the obligatory mommy lecture on "we only write on paper", while never letting on I'm just as equally impressed with her first and hilariously brazen attempts at the English language. It's quite the double edged sword. A sword that scrawls an "H".


Anonymous said...

She is desparately trying to write "HELP" - get me out of this crazy family. But so far "H" is all she can muster.

Anonymous said...

Remember when I told you that the last time we were up there Viv has written/ colored with the blue crayon on the back of Jacob's shirt? After reading your blog, come to think of it...I am almost positive the "scribbles" looked much like a letter H. :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Viv is a Red Dwarf fan to me! And who can blame her?!

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