So, I've come across a handy little accessory in the last few weeks. It's able to leap tall buildings in a single bound... ok maybe not...but it sure is helpful in getting one out of some sticky situations. Behold the power of the cute little winky smiley face! Oh sure, he's a tad unassuming, and not as popular as his football captain cousin, the "happy face" - but in the land of cyber space chat and cell phone texts this little face can say a LOT.
It's come to my attention that you can almost say ANYTHING mean, edgy, untruthful, or sarcastic to someone, and follow it up with a winky smiley face and bam, no harm done. It's like a cute little yellow get out of jail free card.
This came in handy just the other day, when I chastised a coworker who was using company property for personal use on the same weekend I needed the equipment to work from home. I was slightly ticked and in the heat of the moment sent what is probably the meanest text ever, which said, "Thanks for taking the food out of my kids mouths". I panicked as soon as I hit send, knowing it was too late to get anything back. As I sat dreading the impending reply... suddenly everything was ok again. Much to my surprise I got back a rather friendly reply with a "you're killing me" in regards to my comment. I quickly sent a winky smiley face to cover my butt and immediately got one in return. Phew. Of course it might help if you have a sarcastic nature to start with, so people are expecting you to be funny - but the winky smiley face definitely helped.
My friend Jill says that one should be careful when tapping into the power of the winky smiley face. She says one day there might come a time when the winky smiley face won't be able to repair what's been said. So far he's worked every time, but it's probably good to heed her warning none the less. So the next time you're cyber space chatting and maybe say something you shouldn't of, or get yourself into a tricky texting pickle, try out the good old winky smiley face. He's "just kidding" with an attitude.
As in cyberland, as in life, a smile on a face can go a long way. Certainly in respect of the internet, often I'll be chatting away on msn, and then I realise I might say a joke out of turn, only for the smiley winky face to rescue me like a white knight on the horizon.
As in cyberland, as in life - the smile winky face can get me outta a lot of trouble. I've often done that on msn, say a joke - about something sensitive, and then think ohh s**t - winky face!!!!! Gotta do the winky smiley!
It has rescued me a number of times, like a white knight on the horizon!
ah... good cover with the winky smiley face. How'd you know about the boogers?
The "Winkey-Smiley Face" is akin to the beloved Southern phrase "Bless your heart!". I have a friend who likes to refer to herself as a "True Southern Lady"...this "Lady" can say some of the meanest things I've ever heard as long as it is followed with "Bless your heart." Example: "Well, that girl is SO ugly she looks like she's been drug through a knothole backwards...bless her heart!". Somehow she sounds compassionate. "He is a dumb as a stump!...Bless his heart!". Awww...isn't she sweet. Neat trick. ;)
I am the blogger's husband, and I wish the winky smiley face could be used in normal conversation, so I know when she is being serious or sarcastic!
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